Historical Cups

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  • Historical Cups

    Litron Cup Paysage al Or A.M.Royale

    Original price was: 590,00€.Current price is: 520,00€.

    The original of the litron cup Paysage al Or is housed in the Adrien Dubouché National Museum in Limoges.
    The matt red background and the technique of gold “à l’effet” characterize the know-how of Parisian decorators at the beginning of 19 th century. After baking, the matte gold is polished, using extremely fine hard stones,revealing patterns and landscapes or greater refinement, the artist of the manufacturer Pouyat used here golds of various shades.

  • Historical Cups

    Litron Cup Aux Dauphins A.M.Royale

    Original price was: 461,00€.Current price is: 406,00€.

    The litron cup Aux Dauphins was presented in 1781. Original is housed in the National Adrien Dubouché Museum in Limoges, France.
    Here we witness the celebration of the birth of the prince of France (often symbolized by a dolphin), first-born son of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette; he died at the age of eight.
    The Sèvres workshops used the wealth of its resources to execute a design worthy of the prince. The original belonged to Maréchal de Saxe, and then to George Sand, the famous writer.

  • Historical Cups

    Litron Cup Paysages a la Barque A.M.Royale

    Original price was: 441,00€.Current price is: 389,00€.

    The litron cup Paysages a la Barque was presented in 1778. Original is housed in the Louvre Museum in Paris.
    The painter Pierre-Joseph Rosset, who created this cup in the Sèvres workshops, returns to a style that was fashionable at Versailles. A talented floral painter before he began pursuing landscapes, he worked in the Sèvres workshops for forty years. The base of the cup is characterized by a “partridge eye” design, thus marking the era and underlining the unique cachet of this cup. The original belonged to Mrs. Adolphe Thiers, who bequeathed it to the Louvre Museum in 1880.

  • Historical Cups

    Litron Cup Aux Peches A.M.Royale

    Original price was: 441,00€.Current price is: 389,00€.

    The original of the litron cup Aux Peches is housed in the National Ceramics Museum in Sèvres, France.
    Etienne-Henri Legay, employed by the Sèvres workshops from 1793 to 1800, produced miniatures and still life paintings.
    A specialist in painting flowers and executing gold detailing, he created this design as if it were an oil painting, a fashion that the Sèvres workshops had developed for years. The enchanting charm of the cup is found in the extraordinary harmony of its luxurious medallions and rich detailing.

  • Historical Cups

    Litron Cup Aux Aigrettes A.M.Royale

    Original price was: 423,00€.Current price is: 373,00€.

    The original of the litron cup Aux Aigrettes is housed in the Ile-de-France Museum in Sceaux, France.
    Here again, a natural design created by Etienne Evans, the unsurpassed master painter of insects and birds, who worked in the Sèvres workshops for over fifty years.
    The almost scientific execution of the tufted herons makes no allusions: an aesthetic sentiment prevails in such an idealistic relationship with nature, similar to the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

  • Historical Cups

    Litron Cup Fantaisies Cantharide A.M.Royale

    Original price was: 403,00€.Current price is: 355,00€.

    The litron cup Fantaisies Cantharide was presented in 1789. Original is housed in the National Ceramics Museum in Sèvres, France.
    Purification rituals that occured every five years in Rome inspired the design of this cup, created in the Sèvres workshops. Fruits and fragrances are prevalently represented, but also “cantharide” powder and its aphrodisiac effects and connection to the Bacchus festival. The color palette recalls the golden green body of the “cantharide” insect which when dried and ground was made into this powder.

  • Historical Cups

    Litron Cup Paysage Aux Oiseaux A.M.Royale

    Original price was: 385,00€.Current price is: 339,00€.

    The litron cup Paysage Aux Oiseaux was presented in 1786. Original is housed in the Decorative Arts Museum in Paris.
    The theme of birds comes back in fashion in the XVIIIth century. After a period of realism that prevailed around the time of the publishing of Buffon’s “Natural History of Birds”, here we see a return to more fantastical representations of birds.
    Denis Levé, who produced this cup in the Sèvres workshops, was a remarkable bird painter and was often called upon to work with ornithologists.

  • Historical Cups

    Litron Cup Aux Perroquets A.M.Royale

    Original price was: 327,00€.Current price is: 288,00€.

    The original of the litron cup Aux Perroquets is housed in the National Ceramics Museum in Sèvres, France.
    Armand Sr. specialized in the depiction of live birds by painting them while in their birdcages in the Garden of Plants in Paris. He imbued his subjects with human-like qualities.
    This approach was contrary to the approach of his contemporaries who painted from etchings done by natural scientists. This cup with its image of embroidered silk is typical of the Sèvres workshops during a period when the search for material effects is favored.

Historical Cups Ancienne Manufacture Royale

Over the centuries, the Ancienne Manufacture Royale preserved traditional skills and ensured that each generation of craftsmen and artists transmits their knowledge to the next. Today, it is creating identical reproductions of 18th and 19th century masterpieces, working closely with the national and international museums that own the originals.