Christofle Malmaison Silverware
Do you want to dine as a real emperor, or make a really royal gift, that would be opened up with great admiration?
Than your choice is Christofle Malmaison.
Why does Christofle use the name “Malmaison”?
A royally luxurious collection by Christofle was inspired by the real building, the “Château de Malmaison”, located near Paris which once was the favorite residence of Napoleon Bonaparte and Empress Josephine.
And since Napoleon Bonaparte used to be one of the greatest admirers and orderers of Christofle’s, it was only a matter of time that the latter would create a breathtaking line in honour of the outstanding customer and his wife.
Royal Treat – Christofle Malmaison
Just like the “Château de Malmaison” was the embodiment of the elegant life of the empire era, with its magnificent interiors filled with works of art and articles of luxury by Josephine, so is Christofle Malmaison collection, the very essence of stylishly swish lifestyle.
Designers’ sophistications by Christofle Malmaison enchant with their beauty and will command the admiration of the most jaded of your guests.
The palm and lotus leaf frieze and the symmetry of the decoration, so typical of the Empire style, arouse true wonder of the viewer, just like the exotic animals and even an Indian elephant that Empress Josephine and her guests could admire in the gardens of the “Château de Malmaison” once upon a time.
Christofle Malmaison Flatware
The diversity of Christofle Malmaison collection will embellish even the most opulently set table, as the fantasy of Christofle’s has gone much further than the ordinary utility, transforming the everyday items into eminent works of beauty.
The success of Malmaison flatware derives from the fine chasing of the symmetrical design inspired by antiquity: a frieze of delicate stylized lotus flowers and fine tips of palm branches countering each single piece. There are also lotus leaves delicately engraved at the end of the cutlery handles and stylised lotus blossoms which rise from the middle of the dishes like sceptres or sculptures providing the crowning touch to any elegantly laid table.

Malmaison Silver Plated Centerpiece
You can choose Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Bowl as the Centrepiece if you prefer the imperial stylized eagle pattern, or Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Soup Tureen with lid if it is the lotus pattern that you fancy more.
Or yet the marvellous Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Caviar Serving Set if you enjoy both the patterns to the equal measure.
Christofle Malmasion table setting
Either of these will resolutely set the royal style of the whole table layout. And from this point on you can lay the most exuberant of tables without bothering which pattern of the cutlery to choose to match the serving dishes, as Christofle has thought of everything for you a long time ago and has created Malmaison line as one of the most complete collections.
Malmaison Bar Collection
It includes every little item you might need for ideal setting: everything from Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Napkin Holder, Christofle Malmaison Oil and Vinegar Cruet, or Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Ice Bucket with matching Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Ice Tongs to Christofle Malmaison Set of Two Silver Plated Knife Rests, or even Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Bottle Ring.
Christofle Malmasion Dessert Time
And when it’s time to move on to dessert Christofle Malmaison is at your service, right on cue. From Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Cream Pitcher to Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Teapot or Coffeepot and from Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Ice Cream Bowl to the most adorable Christofle Malmaison Silver Plated Cake Server for the most extravagant of teatimes.
Any question about Christofle Malmaison Silverware?
If you have any special requests or require further information about Christofle Malmaison flatware or silverware collection, Scopelliti 1887 staff will be pleased to assist and advise you.
Call us or send WhatsApp on +39 391 345 6441 or send an email at shop@scopelliti1887.com and let us know what we can help you with.